Sulaiman R. KhanSulaiman Rashad Khan in Urdu


Created: 5 July 2024 | Last Update: 27 July 2024.

This is not an accessibility statement solely for compliance. This website was a collaboration between Sulaiman R. Khan and Disabled designer Jessica Oddi. It was developed with the core belief that Access is Love — the incredible project by Alice Wong, Mia Mingus, and Sandy Ho.

We are in community to constantly learn, unlearn, and change practices. If you're a Disabled comrade, we'd love to know about your experience on this site. Want to flag issues, or leave some love? Contact Sulaiman (subject: Accessibility) or email Jessica ( for assistance.

[Open Quote] Okay let's get into the LOVE that went into creating this website! [Close Quote] — Jess

Website Development

Jessica Oddi made this website on WebFlow. The custom-built theme follows WCAG 2.2 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) as a base. Simple and clean HTML, CSS (styling), and JavaScript.

Practices from the Disabled community were followed. Image descriptions, crediting sources, layouts with ample padding, and a custom coded light/dark mode toggle. Don't worry, no ableist overlays were used to make it, just Jessica's tiny MD hands and her code.

Developer Testing

Jess tested the site with the following accessibility practices and devices:

Community Testing

If you'd like to contribute to the site's access, please reach out! We'd love to test across more devices with lived-experience.

Cross-Disability Access Notes

Sulaiman uses assistive tech and alternative navigation. There may be extra returns or characters from copy/pasting. He is also a Mistro of expression. Jess and Sulaiman met in the middle to create a semi-condensed experience, while keeping true to Sulaiman's values.

If you have Zoom Text, Jess recommends using the browser zoom before using the app. This will trigger the media query to give you an enlarged single column layout, which may make your Zoom Text experience better.

Updates to this Site

This is where we will post any significant updates to the site, based on feedback from the Disability community. (All in Crip-Time of course.)

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We believe access should be a collective responsibility instead of a sole responsibility placed on a few individuals.

— Access is Love Project

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